ViroFighter iskola fertőtlenítés

ViroFighter helps disinfect schools and kindergartens

Keeping ourselves, our families, our work community and the most…
ViroFighter önjáró fertőtlenítő robot kórházi fertőtlenítés

ViroFighter is the next generation, intelligent UV disinfection robot

The ViroFighter intelligent, autonomous UV disinfection robot…
Fertőtlenítéssel a betegségek és a Covid-19 terjedése ellen

Proper hygiene is paramount in preventing infections

A Japanese video footage presents an experiment that proves how…
Covid-19 koronavírus

UVC light kills the coronavirus

Signify, a world-leading lighting technology company, and the…

UVC light kills microorganisms

No microorganism can resist UVC light! Natural radiation from…