ViroFighter iskola fertőtlenítés

ViroFighter helps disinfect schools and kindergartens

Keeping ourselves, our families, our work community and the most vulnerable of us all, the elderly and children safe in general is the most important thing, especially in an epidemic where fear of invisible pathogens, numerous, often conflicting information and the resulting uncertainty increases this. The global pandemic of Covid-19 has highlighted how vulnerable we are to the coronavirus or any other infectious microorganism. Since the spring of 2020, special emphasis has been placed on daily hygiene and disinfection to prevent and reduce the spread of infection.

Proper disinfection of public spaces on a regular basis poses an almost impossible challenge to all institutions, including educational institutions. Traditional solutions are very time and human resource intensive, so regular disinfection covering all surfaces can take place in very few locations. The European Knowledge Center Ltd., in cooperation with Eötvös Loránd University, started to create an autonomous UV disinfection robot called ViroFighter, which serves the latest achievements in robotics, in order to solve the problem with a team of experts. They have succeeded in developing an intelligent disinfection robot that can quickly and efficiently inactivate all known viruses and bacteria using its UVC germicidal lamps.

The ViroFighter UV disinfection robot is not only environmentally friendly, but is able to operate continuously, capable of perfectly sterilizing both the air and all visible surfaces in minutes without human presence. According to Zoltán Horváth, the managing director of the European Knowledge Centre Ltd., since the establishment of their company in 2002, they have been striving to bring innovation close to people and to serve communities through the technologies and services it develops and markets.

ViroFighter iskola fertőtlenítés

The first successful school work of the Hungarian-developed robot took place at the Aquincum English-Hungarian Bilingual Primary School. In Budakalász, a local father noticed a development that is also unique in the international context, and he thought that there would be an excellent opportunity to continue the test operation here as well. This is how the cooperation with the Szentistvántelep Primary School was born.

“My children are also students of the school, and I know Tamás Horváth the commercial director of the company since a long time, as he also lives with his family in Budakalász,” – Ferenc Winkler revived the idea. As he said, monitoring the company’s activities, it was clear that luring the robot to Budakalász was useful in every conceivable way. On the one hand, it reinforces the importance of local community initiatives, can be an important station for development and, last but not least, a serious help for the school, as such disinfection would not otherwise take place in the post-winter break period.

“We are pleased to be able to help Szentistvántelep Primary School to provide a virus-free environment among the first ones with our new robot. It is reassuring to know that this robot is capable of complete disinfection without leaving any harmful substances behind.” – said Tamás Horváth, commercial director of the European Knowledge Centre Ltd.

Since then, the robot has also visited the premises of the Budakalász kindergarten, and after consultation with the heads of the institutions, it disinfected other public education institutions in Budakalász, such as Kalász School, member institutions of the local Kindergarten and the nurseries of Budai road and Mályva street.


Budakalászi Hírmondó Newspaper January-February 2021 page 26.